Thursday, January 26, 2012


Well, I've made more progress on my book. I've finally figure out the name for the main female... but now i cannot seem to figure out the name for the male, and i've never had any problem like that before.
I've been watching a bunch of Skyrim videos and now I'm throwing a fit about not having the game... or the system to play it on :p
Also, I can't seem to find the random interesting objects I was searching for in my room.
Someone must have sneaked into my room and stole them.
Ahhh! I see what you did there!
Maybe I'll start posting non-potter related pictures?
Maybe I'll post pictures related to a series I actually nerd a bit about... *Cough* Star Wars *Cough*
I need to watch something else so that my book doesn't unintentionally turn into a cheap Harry potter knock-off.

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