Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Grab your shotgun!

We have a zombie Apocalypse! Okay well maybe not really, but something that sounds suspiciouslly like one happened not long ago in Miami.

A naked man was reported to have been chewing the face off another man... The "zombie" who was eating the other man was shot several times, witnesses say they heard a half a dozen shots. The apparent zombie kept eating the man after being shot multiple times. The zombie is dead and the victim is in the hospital, but you have to admit it sounds a lot like a zombie.
Flesh-eating, can take several bullets to the body... May we possibly have a zombie pandemic on our hands? Or maybe the threat has been averted by killing the first zombie? We'll only see in time. But speaking of apocalypses, wasn't the  Mayan God Quetzalcoatl supposed to return May 20th, when the earth moon sun and Pleiades are all aligned? Guess not. I'd have to say I am disappointing, I was looking forward to his return... I still think ancient 'gods' were aliens though.

In other news, In case you didn't know, Matt smith, AKA the 11th Doctor who, carried the Olympic torch. Pretty cool, huh?

Apparently Keira Knightley  is engaged to the British rocker James Righton.

Also, It appears that Obama has been bad-mouthing Vietnam Vets... that's just cold.

I've been out of the loop recently so I don't have much to talk about today... i know it is LaToya Jackson's birthday today, and Adrian Paul who played Highlander's Duncan McLeod's birthday as well.
But really, I don't have much to talk about... I've scoured online news sites such as the extremely reliable Yahoo News. (That was me being sarcastic)
I can't find too much. So we have stupid presidents, zombies, rock stars, actresses and whatnots.
So i bid thee farewell, and see you next time.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sweet mother!

Elder Scrolls ONLINE has been announced? MY BRAIN CANNOT REPEL A FORCE OF THIS MAGNITUDE! I'm crapping bricks right now!
Now, I know a lot of you may not like this... but I do.
a lot.
I just hope it doesn't end up like a cheap version of WoW.
Also, Bethesda announced skyrim DLC.
They are calling it "Dawguard" and at the moment it appears to be an Xbox exclusive.
Hopefully they'll add it to the play station store and to steam for PS3 and PC users.
Now this brings us to birthdays.
Today is:
The Godfather of soul JAMES BROWN's birthday! I feel good!
Sugar Ray Robinson's birthday... Famous prizefighter, RIP.
Niccolo Machiavelli's Birthday! Before all else, be armed..
Bing Crosby's birthday! I know it's out of season, but try clicking this.
Now, there are plenty of other famous birthdays today but I only list a few on here, because it's my blog and I can do whatever the heck I want to.
Football linebacker legend Junior Seau Committed suicide yesterday at age 43.
A dang shame.
He had a gunshot wound to the chest, apparently self-inflicted.
Apparently he didn't want to damage his brain because he wanted scientists to study it. 
I'm not sure about you but a gunshot wound to the chest always screams "murder" to me, but i watch a lot of crime shows.
And to throw a few more names out there, Yesterday was the birthday of
Lily Allen (27)
Dwayne Johnson, 'The Rock' (40)
David Beckham (37)
Baron Von Richthofen, 'The Red Barron' 
And then last but not least...
Dr. Benjamin Spock. I have no idea who he is but I just wanted an excuse to say: "Spock!"
I'm also hyped up for Halo 4.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Say goodbye, Canadian Penny!

The Canadian Penny... you know that penny with the lady on the back? that one, it's gone.
The Canadian Penny will no longer be used in Canada, so i guess that means they will revert to using nautilus shells for currency.
Being as Canada is a vast, tropical island nation.

It is Angus Young's birthday today! Lead guitarist of AC/DC. The Famed Rocker turns 57 today.
So, if you want to know what to get him, try getting him a larger size schoolboy costume.

Al gore's birthday as well today! The... Inventor of the internet. Try buying him a very expensive gift: a brain. Oh, and the "Politician" turns 64 today.

And guess what? It;s Christopher Walken's birthday! Try buying him a cowbell! That Wasn't a joke; The world needs more cowbell.
The Actor from Queens turns 69 today.

You're a cantaloupe!

I could go on and on with Walken quotes, or go watch "the walken dead" or I could go on to the next

Ewan McGregor, Young Obi-Wan Kenobi! The Scottish actor turns 41 today!
I have no idea what you could get him as a present. Maybe a... uhhh... yeah I've got nothing.
This is The King of Badgers signing off.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Havn't blogged in a while... time to drink my own pee.

I've been catching up on all those old episodes of Man vs Wild, and i forgot how much of a tremendous BEAST  Bear is. Honestly.  First of all, his name is bear. I think he is sort of like a cross between Chuck Norris, James bond and the old spice guy in awesomeness. Apparently he eats dragons for breakfast... and drinks his own pee... a lot.  but he doesn't care, hes BEAR. FRIGGIN. GRYLLS. I could go on and on about how epic he is but i have a feeling i might end up sounding like less of a fan and more like a gay stalker so I'll stop it at that.
in other news: Katy Perry is still hot.
In *other* news: Amy and Rory are leaving doctor who in the next season ;'(
I'm trying to hold it back but i cant hold it in... I'm going to go sob like a little girl now.
Also, Chester See is still epic.
If you don't know who he is, go to THIS link and REVEL IN HIS EPIC.
I would make some joke about "oh, I'd go gay for Chester see" but there could possibly be a half an ounce of truth to that so I'll leave it alone, like the Bear Gylls deal.
Let me just set one thing straight, I may make jokes about being gay for someone but I'm completely straight.
Now that has been said, I can go on and talk about... wait for it.... wait forrr ittttt.... WAIT FORRR ITTTTT....
That's right, im starting a channel... maybe.
I'm going to go try and contact some of my fav youtubers for advice.
I'm likely not gonna get any but whatevs.
Now, i shall end this post with a picture of a chuckling cat.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Haven't been posting recently because I'm too busy (procrastinating) writing THREE BOOKS. technically 4, but I've practically ditched the one... and like my many other attempts at book writing, the books I'm writing now, i will likely get bored with and ditch as well. but i need your support, people. I need moral support! comment on this post or tweet me, do something to support me morally! Even a hefty "You can do it" will work just fine. Anyways, see you again soon.
Toodle pip!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Stream of consciousness.

Nargles i tell you! It's them! Or aliens... i like pudding.. and waffers.. Butterfingers! this one is not here.
are you talking to me? I'm invisible.
 Wow... That looks odd. Tastes funny too. It's weird, I've never seen anything like it before. I think I'll break it.
Said the Actress to the bishop.
Poor, poor bishop.
Who knows what this life is, or the life under our feet.
You filthy sons of Amon. What kind of name is that? Who names there kid 'Amon'?
Anywhoo, let me introduce myself, My name is Mr. Crow and I like clowns, only if they are female.
Male clowns want to eat me, but alot  of female clowns are nice. I like pudding and waffers, did i mention this?
I also like Fish sticks in custard, because the doctor does.
i do not follow his shoes, because he does not harm anyone intensionally, that is why he had died 10 or so times.
the honey-Bee is dancing, and the hornet is in the hive.
I eagle has landed, dawn is breaking.
...It's a nice day if it doesn't rain.
Abraham Lincoln once said to me; "Hey, what is your problem?" then on, i knew i was born to sell pies to hobos.
Especially clown hobos, and pudding... except i got fired for eating the customers.
Only the pudding customers though, they are nice.
I suspect Nargles, or Aliens, or alien Nargles.
i am no longer here.. FIN!

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Wrote a couple Haikus

English Style Haiku: The sound of Night

Under the night sky
Listen to the sound of dark
The sound of your soul

Traditional Japanese Style Haiku:

The flower in the field, Rolls back as the wind blows, A gift from the world

My mind is slowly recovering from it's mush state.