Monday, February 6, 2012

Stream of consciousness.

Nargles i tell you! It's them! Or aliens... i like pudding.. and waffers.. Butterfingers! this one is not here.
are you talking to me? I'm invisible.
 Wow... That looks odd. Tastes funny too. It's weird, I've never seen anything like it before. I think I'll break it.
Said the Actress to the bishop.
Poor, poor bishop.
Who knows what this life is, or the life under our feet.
You filthy sons of Amon. What kind of name is that? Who names there kid 'Amon'?
Anywhoo, let me introduce myself, My name is Mr. Crow and I like clowns, only if they are female.
Male clowns want to eat me, but alot  of female clowns are nice. I like pudding and waffers, did i mention this?
I also like Fish sticks in custard, because the doctor does.
i do not follow his shoes, because he does not harm anyone intensionally, that is why he had died 10 or so times.
the honey-Bee is dancing, and the hornet is in the hive.
I eagle has landed, dawn is breaking.
...It's a nice day if it doesn't rain.
Abraham Lincoln once said to me; "Hey, what is your problem?" then on, i knew i was born to sell pies to hobos.
Especially clown hobos, and pudding... except i got fired for eating the customers.
Only the pudding customers though, they are nice.
I suspect Nargles, or Aliens, or alien Nargles.
i am no longer here.. FIN!